Source code for permission.templatetags.patch

# vim: set fileencoding=utf-8 :
django if templatetag patch
from distutils.version import LooseVersion
from django import get_version

if LooseVersion(get_version()) < '1.4':
    from django.template import Node
    from django.template import NodeList
    from django.template import VariableDoesNotExist
    from django.template import TemplateSyntaxError
        from django.template.base import TextNode
    except ImportError:
        from django.template import TextNode
    # copied from django 1.4b
    class IfNode(Node):
        def __init__(self, conditions_nodelists):
            self.conditions_nodelists = conditions_nodelists
        def __repr__(self):
            return "<IfNode>"
        def __iter__(self):
            for _, nodelist in self.conditions_nodelists:
                for node in nodelist:
                    yield node
        def nodelist(self):
            return NodeList(node for _, nodelist in self.conditions_nodelists for node in nodelist)
        def render(self, context):
            for condition, nodelist in self.conditions_nodelists:
                if condition is not None:           # if / elif clause
                        match = condition.eval(context)
                    except VariableDoesNotExist:
                        match = None
                else:                               # else clause
                    match = True
                if match:
                    return nodelist.render(context)
            return ''
    # copied from django 1.4b
    def parse(self, parse_until=None):
        if parse_until is None:
            parse_until = []
        nodelist = self.create_nodelist()
        while self.tokens:
            token = self.next_token()
            # Use the raw values here for TOKEN_* for a tiny performance boost.
            if token.token_type == 0: # TOKEN_TEXT
                self.extend_nodelist(nodelist, TextNode(token.contents), token)
            elif token.token_type == 1: # TOKEN_VAR
                if not token.contents:
                filter_expression = self.compile_filter(token.contents)
                var_node = self.create_variable_node(filter_expression)
                self.extend_nodelist(nodelist, var_node, token)
            elif token.token_type == 2: # TOKEN_BLOCK
                    command = token.contents.split()[0]
                except IndexError:
                if command in parse_until:
                    # put token back on token list so calling
                    # code knows why it terminated
                    return nodelist
                # execute callback function for this tag and append
                # resulting node
                self.enter_command(command, token)
                    compile_func = self.tags[command]
                except KeyError:
                    self.invalid_block_tag(token, command, parse_until)
                    compiled_result = compile_func(self, token)
                except TemplateSyntaxError as e:
                    if not self.compile_function_error(token, e):
                self.extend_nodelist(nodelist, compiled_result, token)
        if parse_until:
        return nodelist
[docs] def parser_patch(instance): instance.__class__.parse = parse return instance
else: from django.template.defaulttags import IfNode parser_patch = lambda instance: instance